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Raphaela (Rosie) Rosella with Dayannah Baker Barlow, Kathleen (Rowrow) Duncan, Tricia Whitton and family

Co-created over four years under various states of un/freedom, HOMEtruths seeks to resist bureaucratic representations of women whose intimate relations extend across carceral geographies. In turn, HOMEtruths serves as a non-linear platform to amplify feelings of intimacy, frustration, kinship, and connectedness that circulate between imprisoned people and their loved ones structured through carceral regimes. 

Director: @raphaellarosella
DOP: @adricwatson
Film stock: @kodak_shootfilm - 16mm Kodak VISION3 500T Color Negative Film 5219/7219
and VISION3 200T Color Negative Film 5213/7213

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